Emperor Constantine III

Flavius Claudius Constantinus - "Constantine III" coin

Emperor Constantine III

Life: AD ? – 411 Name: Flavius Claudius Constantinus Birthdate unknown. Became emperor in AD 407. Died outside Ravenna, AD 411. Nothing is known of Constantine III’s birth lace or …

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Flavius Claudius Constantinus - "Constantine II" Bust

Emperor Constantius II

Life: AD 317 – 361 Early Life Constantius II was born in Illyricum in August AD 317, the son of Constantine the Great and Fausta, and was proclaimed Caesar in …

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Flavius Claudius Constantinus - "Constantine II" coin

Emperor Constantine II

Life: AD c. 317 – 340 Name: Flavius Claudius Constantinus Born in February AD ca. 317. Consul AD 320, 321, 324. Became emperor in AD 337. Died near Aquileia, AD …

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The Collapse of the Roman Empire

Period: AD 337 – 476 Flavius Claudius Constantinus – “Constantine II” Reign: AD 337 – 340 Flavius Julius Constantius – “Constantius II” Reign: AD 337 – 361 Flavius Julius Constans …

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constantine the great

Emperor Constantine the Great

Life: AD c. 285 – 337 Constantine the Great was born in Naissus, Upper Moesia, on 27 February in roughly AD 285. Another account places the year at about AD …

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Marcus Claudius Tacitus Bust

Emperor Tacitus

Life: AD c. 200 – 276 Name: Marcus Claudius Tacitus Born AD ca 200 in the Danube Region. Consul AD 203. Became emperor Oct./Nov. AD 275. Died in Tyana in …

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Lucius Domitius Aurelianus - "Aurelian" Bust

Emperor Aurelian

Life: AD 214 – 275 Early Life of Aurelian Lucius Domitius Aurelianus was born to poor parents on 9 September AD 214 in Lower Moesia. His father was a tenant …

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Marcus Aurelius Quintillus Coin

Emperor Quintillus

Life: AD ? – 270 Name: Marcus Aurelius Quintillus Became emperor in August AD 270. Died at Aquileia, ca. September AD 270. Marcus Aurelius Quintillus was the younger brother of …

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gallic empire

The Gallic Empire

Period: AD 260 – 274 For a brief time, caused by the weakened state of the empire, the western provinces managed to break away from Rome, creating their own independent …

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Publius Licinius Egantius Gallienus Bust

Emperor Gallienus

Life: AD c. 213 – 268 Early Life of Gallienus Publius Licinius Egnatius Gallienus was born in about AD 213. This means that he was about 40 years old when …

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Marcus Julius Verus Philippus - "Philippus Arabs" or "Philip the Arab" Bust

Emperor Philippus Arabs

Life: AD c. 204 – 249 Early Life Philippus was born in about AD 204 in a small town in the region of Trachonitis in southwestern Syria as the son …

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Marcus Didius Severus Julianus - "Julianus" Bust

Emperor Julianus

Life: AD 133 – 193 Name: Marcus Didius Severus Julianus Born on 30 January AD 133 at Milan. Consul AD 120, 139, 140, 145. Became emperor in 28 March AD …

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The Decline of the Roman Empire

Period: AD 193 – 337 Second Crisis of the EmpireAD 193 – 194 Publius Helvius Pertinax – “Pertinax” Reign: AD 193 Whatever the nature of the conspiracy against Commodus, it …

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