Exploring Portus: Unearthing Rome’s Ancient Port


Pictorial Tour of Rome Here is a picture album of the sites of Rome. If anyone wishes to contribute any pictures of their own, please get in touch. Site built …

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Lucius Junius Brutus

Lucius Junius Brutus

Life:? – c. 509 BC Founder of the Republicby ‘Andraeus Papadopolus Dacicus Maximus’ According to Roman traditional history, Lucius Junius Brutus was the most important personality of the patrician “revolution” …

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List of Roman Consuls by Year

Who Was Consul When by ‘Andraeus Papadopolus Dacicus Maximus‘ Note: the Roman numerals behind the names indicate how many times the specific individual has been in office. Note II: consuls …

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aurelian's campaign in the east

Aurelian’s Campaign in the East

AD 272/273 by ‘Emperor Aurelianus’ Background to the Conflict The conflict between Zenobia of Palmyra and Aurelian took place for the most part in 272ad, in the second year of …

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Roman Navy

The Roman Navy was always considered an inferior arm and was strictly under army control. But already during the First Punic War, Rome proved itself capable of launching a fleet …

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Legion Name List

This is not a complete list of all legions, but a listing of examples of legionary nick-names and their origins. NAME ORIGIN OF NAME TIME OF CREATION I Adiutrix pia …

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legionnaire equipment

The Legion’s Equipment

The equipment to the legionaries was remarkably uniform throughout the empire and it is possible that there were large centres in Gaul and North Italy for the mass manufacture of …

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roman army

The Roman Army Overview

Nowhere does the Roman talent for organization show itself so clearly as in its army. The story of the Roman army is an extensive one, demonstrated in part by the …

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roman games

The Roman Games

There were two kinds of roman games: ludi scaenici and ludi circenses. If at first the games of the early Roman republic had religious significance, then later the ‘secular’ games …

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Roman Society & Life

The Census In the beginning was the census. Every five years, each male Roman citizen had to register in Rome for the census. In this he had to declare his …

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roman omens

Omens and Superstitions

A superstitious Society Compare to modern society, the Romans seem extremely superstitious. But then today’s major religions have all throughout their past discouraged, even combatted, superstitions. Also our sciences and …

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