
How long did the Roman empire last?

Depending on who you ask, the Roman Empire lasted from approximately 500 years to over 1000 years. This question can’t be answered easily as the definitions of ‘Roman empire’ can …

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roman cities

List of Cities in the Roman Empire

Roman cities were characterized by their advanced urban planning and architecture, which greatly influenced the development of cities in Europe and beyond. Here are some key features of Roman cities: …

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Marcus Antonius Gordianus Sempronianus Romanus - "Gordian II" Bust

Emperor Gordian II

Life: AD c. 192 – 238 Name: Marcus Antonius Gordianus Sempronianus Romanus Born AD ca. 192. Became emperor in 19 March AD 238. Died at Carthage, 9 April AD 238. …

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emperor gordan

Emperor Gordian I

Life: AD 159 – 238 Early Life Marcus Gordianus was born in ca. AD 159 as the son of Maecius Marullus and Ulpia Gordiana. Even though the names of this …

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Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus - "Maximinus Thrax" Bust

Emperor Maximinus Thrax

Life: AD c.173 – 238 Traditionally the birth of Maximinus Thrax is stated as having been either in AD 172 or 173, as was believed by the ancient historians. Today …

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Marcus Julius Gessius Alexianus - "Alexander Severus" Bust

Emperor Alexander Severus

Life: AD 208 – 235 Marcus Julius Gessius Alexianus, known as Alexander Severus was born in AD 208 in Caesarea (sub-Libano) in Phoenicia. He was the son of Gessius Marcianus …

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Elagabalus Varius Avitus Bassianus Bust

Emperor Elagabalus

Life: AD 204 – 222 Early Life of Elagabalus Elagabalus was born Varius Avitus Bassianus in AD 203 or 204 at Emesa in Syria. He was the son of the …

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Marcus Oppellius Macrinus Bust

Emperor Macrinus

Life: AD 164 – 218 Early Life Marcus Opellius Macrinus was born in AD 164 in Caesarea, a harbor town in Mauretania. There are two stories surrounding his origins. One …

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Publius Septimius Geta - "Geta" Bust

Emperor Geta

Life: AD 189 – 211 Early Life Publius Septimius Geta was born in AD 189 in Rome as the younger son of Septimius Severus and Julia Domna. He most likely …

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Lucius Septimius Bassianus - "Caracalla" Bust

Emperor Caracalla

Life: AD 188 – 217 Early Life Caracalla was born on 4 April AD 188 in Lugdunum (Lyons), being named Lucius Septimius Bassianus. His last name was given to him …

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decimus clodius albinus

Decimus Clodius Albinus

Life: AD c. 145 – 197 The birth date of Clodius Albinus is unknown. But most likely he was born sometime between AD 140 and 150 into a wealthy family …

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Gaius Niger Coin

Emperor Pescennius Niger

Life: AD 135 – 195 Gaius Pescennius Niger was born into an Italian equestrian family in about AD 135. Made a senator by Commodus, he campaigned against the Sarmatians in …

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