
Marcus Aurelius Valerius Claudius II Gothicus Bust

Emperor Claudius II Gothicus

Life: AD 214 – 270 Name: Marcus Aurelius Valerius Claudius Born 10 May AD 214 in Illyricum. Became emperor in September AD 268. Died at Sirmium, August AD 270. Deified …

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gallic empire

The Gallic Empire

Period: AD 260 – 274 For a brief time, caused by the weakened state of the empire, the western provinces managed to break away from Rome, creating their own independent …

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Publius Licinius Egantius Gallienus Bust

Emperor Gallienus

Life: AD c. 213 – 268 Early Life of Gallienus Publius Licinius Egnatius Gallienus was born in about AD 213. This means that he was about 40 years old when …

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Publius Licinius Valerianus - "Valerian" Coin

Emperor Valerian

Life: AD c. 195 – 260 Early Life Valerian, a descendant of a distinguished family from Etruria, was born in about AD 195. He served as consul in the 230s …

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Marcus Aemilius Aemilianus - "Aemilian Coin

Emperor Aemilian

Life: AD c. 206 – 253 Name: Marcus Aemilius Aemilianus Born AD ca. 207. Became emperor in July/August AD 253. Wife: Gaia Cornelia Supera. Died at Spoletium, October AD 253. …

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Gaius Vibius Afininus Trebonianus Gallus Bust

Emperor Trebonianus Gallus

Life: AD c. 206 – 253 Name: Gaius Vibius Afininus Trebonianus Gallus Born AD ca. 206. Consul AD 245. Became emperor in June AD 251. Wife: Afinia Gemina Baebiana (one …

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Gaius Messius Quintus Decius Bust

Emperor Decius

Life: AD c. 190 – 251 Gaius Messius Quintus Decius was born around the year AD 190 in a village called Budalia near Sirmium. He wasn’t however from simple beginnings, …

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Marcus Julius Verus Philippus - "Philippus Arabs" or "Philip the Arab" Bust

Emperor Philippus Arabs

Life: AD c. 204 – 249 Early Life Philippus was born in about AD 204 in a small town in the region of Trachonitis in southwestern Syria as the son …

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Marcus Antonius Gordianus - "Gordian III" Bust

Emperor Gordian III

Life: AD 225 – 244 Name: Marcus Antonius Gordianus Born 20 January AD 225. Consul AD 239, 241. Became emperor in March AD 238. Wife: Furia Sabina Tranquillina. Died near …

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emperor pupienus

Emperor Pupienus

Life: AD c. 164 – 238 Little is known of Pupienus background. He was in his 60’s or 70’s at the time of his accession. He was a distinguished patrician, …

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Decimus Caelius Calvinus Balbinus - "Balbinus" Bust

Emperor Balbinus

Life: AD c. 170 – 238 Name: Decimus Caelius Calvinus Balbinus Born AD ca. 170. Consul AD 203, 213. Became emperor in February AD 238. Wife: unknown. Died in Rome, …

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Why Did Rome Fall ?

Well, the old-fashioned, traditional explanation for the fall of Rome points out the mass migration as the biggest reason for the collapse of Rome. In ancient European history it happened …

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What does SPQR stand for?

The abbreviation SPQR adorns many public buildings and statues of Rome and, most famously, it was engraved on the battle standards of the Roman legion. SPQR stands for ‘senatus populusque …

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