The Evils of the Roman Empire
Rome has a glittering history. Its empire lasted for a thousand years, its great emperors are famous still today. But Rome had a bad side to it. If we could …
Rome has a glittering history. Its empire lasted for a thousand years, its great emperors are famous still today. But Rome had a bad side to it. If we could …
by Javier Rodriguez The intellectual prestige of the Greek world was consolidated through the Hellenistic libraries, mainly the library of Alexandria and the one of Pergamum. The first became the greatest …
by ‘Q. Aurelius Symmachus’ This treatment of the offices of the magistrates as the entry path to the Senate will deal with that period of time, The Republic, when the …
by Andrew Mason In Ancient Rome the only acts recognized as criminal were “exceptional invasions of public security or of the general order of society.” As such, Roman ‘criminal law’ would …
Early Italian houses grouped around the atrium, with a small garden, the so-called hortus, at the back.The classic Roman house, however, was divided into two parts. The first part grouped …
In a Roman household sex was in plentiful supply. Except, so it seems, between the actual married couples. The existence of slaves in the house naturally mean that, particularly the …
Love was irrelevant to the success of a marriage in Roman eyes. Marriage was there in order to provide children. Loved was a welcome thing, but by no means necessary. …
There were two kinds of roman games: ludi scaenici and ludi circenses. If at first the games of the early Roman republic had religious significance, then later the ‘secular’ games …
What is a Roman dress? What did the Roman fashion looked like? Roman clothing owed much to that of ancient Greece, but it had distinct forms of its own. Read …
The civilization that was Rome had high demands on its people. The Roman citizen may have enjoyed rights and had room to follow his ambitions, but so too did he …
Roman slaves labored in the mines and in the empire’s many farms and potteries. The state’s public works were largely completed and maintained by slaves. Also, the government’s state bureaucracy …
The Roman Office Positions OFFICE ELECTION BY RESPONSIBILITIES AFTER TERM OF OFFICE Consul(senior magistrate) Comitia Centuriata Can propose law,acts as senior judge,presides comitia centuriata,army commander,can jointly propose dictator provincial governor and …