Household Sex

household sex

Household Sex

In a Roman household sex was in plentiful supply. Except, so it seems, between the actual married couples. The existence of slaves in the house naturally mean that, particularly the …

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Conjugal Love

Love was irrelevant to the success of a marriage in Roman eyes. Marriage was there in order to provide children. Loved was a welcome thing, but by no means necessary. …

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roman games

The Roman Games

There were two kinds of roman games: ludi scaenici and ludi circenses. If at first the games of the early Roman republic had religious significance, then later the ‘secular’ games …

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Roman Religion

If anything, the Romans had a practical attitude to religion, as to most things, which perhaps explains why they themselves had difficulty in taking to the idea of a single, …

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constantine the great

Emperor Constantine the Great

Life: AD c. 285 – 337 Constantine the Great was born in Naissus, Upper Moesia, on 27 February in roughly AD 285. Another account places the year at about AD …

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Marcus Julius Verus Philippus - "Philippus Arabs" or "Philip the Arab" Bust

Emperor Philippus Arabs

Life: AD c. 204 – 249 Early Life Philippus was born in about AD 204 in a small town in the region of Trachonitis in southwestern Syria as the son …

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Elagabalus Varius Avitus Bassianus Bust

Emperor Elagabalus

Life: AD 204 – 222 Early Life of Elagabalus Elagabalus was born Varius Avitus Bassianus in AD 203 or 204 at Emesa in Syria. He was the son of the …

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Publius Aelius Hadrianus - "Hadrian" Bust

Emperor Hadrian

Life: AD 76 – 138 The Early Life of Emperor Hadrian Publius Aelius Hadrianus was born on 24 January AD 76, probably in Rome, though his family lived in Italica …

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Marcus Cocceius Nerva Bust

Emperor Nerva

Life: AD 30 – 98 Marcus Cocceius Nerva was born on 8 November in Narnia, 50 miles north of Rome. He was born into the household of a wealthy lawyer …

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Titus Flavius Domitianius Augustus Domitian Bust

Emperor Domitian

Life: 51 – 96 A.D. Early Life of Domitian Titus Flavius Domitianius was the younger son of Vespasian and Flavia Domitilla, born in AD 51 in Rome. He was the younger …

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Titus Bust

Emperor Titus

Life: AD 40 – 81 Early Life of Titus Titus, the elder son of emperor Vespasian, was born in AD 39. He was educated together with Claudius’ son Britannicus, who became …

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Servius Sulpicius Galba Bust

Emperor Galba

Life: 3 BC – AD 69 Early Life Servius Sulpicius Galba was born on 24 December 3 BC, in a country villa near Tarracina, the son of patrician parents, Gaius …

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Nero Bust

Emperor Nero

Life: AD 15 – 68 Nero Early Life Nero was born at Antium (Anzio) on 15 December AD 37 and was first named Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus. He was the son …

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Emperor Caligula

Emperor Caligula

Life: AD 12 – 41 Introduction: The Enigmatic Emperor Caligula Gaius Julius Caesar Germanicus was the third son of Germanicus (nephew of Tiberius) and Agrippina the elder and was born …

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