The Roman Games

roman games

The Roman Games

There were two kinds of roman games: ludi scaenici and ludi circenses. If at first the games of the early Roman republic had religious significance, then later the ‘secular’ games …

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Girls enjoyed a similar, if not the same education as boys in early childhood. Though beyond primary education it was generally only daughters of aristocratic families who continued their education. …

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Caesar Augustus Bust

Emperor Augustus

Life: 63 BC – 14 AD Augustus’s Character and Appearance The future emperor Augustus was born into an equestrian family as Gaius Octavius in Rome on 23 September 63 BC. …

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julius caesar

Gaius Julius Caesar

Life: 100 – 44 BC Caesar was tall, fair-haired, well built and of sound health. though he did suffer from the occasional epileptic fit. The historian Suetonius writes about Julius …

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late roman republic

The Late Roman Republic

Period: 123 – 23 BC The story of the late Roman republic is essentially a tragic one. Yet the various causes for the demise of the republic are far from …

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Lucius Iunius Brutus

The Early Roman Republic

Period: 510 – 124 BC The Latin words res publica, which are perhaps best translated as ‘public affairs,’ are the source of today’s term ‘republic.’ The Early Republic – The …

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The Roman Kings

The Roman Kings

Period: 753 – 510 BC Historical details are still too obscure for any definite records of Rome under the Roman kings, All remains half mythical. But it was under the …

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