An Illustrated History of

The Roman Empire

Statue of Julius Caesar
Statue of Julius Caesar

The story of the Roman Empire is one of culture & conquest whose legacy is still felt to this day.

Lasting many centuries and spanning over 1.7 million square miles, the Roman Empire was the predominant power in the ancient Western world. At times, the Roman Empire brought stability and prosperity to its subjects. But eventually, it fell into crisis and turmoil before its inevitable demise.

Join us on this journey as we explore this complex and fascinating time period of history. You may be surprised to find that the Roman Empire has had an impact on many facets of our modern life including politics, architecture, art, literature, language, and religion.

Periods of the Roman Empire

The Founding

1200 – 625 BC

The Kings

753 – 510 BC

Early Republic

510 – 124 BC

Late Republic

123 – 23 BC

Early Emperors

22 BC – AD 96

The High Point

AD 96 – 192

The Decline

AD 193 – 337

The Collapse

AD 337 – 476


AD 326 – 1453

Timeline of the Roman Empire

1200 BC

The Prisci Latini colonists migrate to Italy from the Danube region.

April 21, 753 BC

Founding of Rome according to traditional story of Romulus and Remus.

753 – 716 BC

Reign of King Romulus

715 – 673 BC

Reign of King Numa Pompilius

673 – 642 BC

Reign of King Tullus Hostilius

642 – 616 BC

Reign of King Ancus Marcius

616 – 579 BC

Reign of King Lucius Tarquinius Priscus

579 – 534 BC

Reign of King Servius Tullius

534 – 504 BC

Reign of King Lucius Tarquinius Superbus

509 BC

Overthrow of the Roman monarchy

510 – 23 BC

Establishment of the Roman Republic

49 – 44 BC

Gaius Julius Caesar defies the Senate and appoints himself dictator for life. He reigns until he is assassinated on March 15, 44 BC

27 BC – AD 14

The senate grants Augustus the title of Caesar and he becomes the first Roman Emperor.

AD 14 – 37

Reign of Tiberius

AD 37 – 41

Reign of Caligula

AD 41 – 54

Reign of Claudius

AD 54 – 68

Reign of Nero

AD 68 – 69

Reign of Galba

AD 69

Reign of Otho

AD 69

Reign of Vitellius

AD 69 – 79

Reign of Vespasian

AD 79 – 31

Reign of Titus

AD 81 – 96

Reign of Domitian

AD 96 – 98

Reign of Nerva

AD 98 – 117

Reign of Trajan

AD 117 – 138

Reign of Hadrian

AD 138 – 161

Reign of Antoninus Pius

AD 161 – 180

Co Reign of Marcus Aurelius

AD 161 – 169

Co Reign of Lucius Verus

AD 180 – 192

Reign of Commodus

AD 193

Reign of Pertinax

AD 193

Reign of Didius Julianus

AD 193 – 211

Reign of Septimius Severus

AD 211

Co Reign of Geta

AD 211 – 217

Co Reign of Caracalla

AD 217 – 218

Reign of Macrinus

AD 218 – 222

Reign of Elagabalus

AD 222 – 235

Reign of Alexander Severus

AD 235 – 238

Reign of Maximus Thrax

AD 238

Reign of Gordian I & Gordian II

AD 238

Reign of Pupienus & Balbinus

AD 238 – 244

Reign of Gordian III

AD 244 – 249

Reign of Phillippus Arabs

AD 249 – 251

Reign of Decius

AD 251 – 253

Reign of Trebonianus Gallus

AD 253

Reign of Aemilius Aemilianus

AD 253 – 260

Reign of Valerian

Gallic Empire splits off after death of Valerian

Roman Empire

AD 253 – 268
Reign of Gallienus

AD 268 – 270
Reign of Claudius II

AD 270
Reign of Quintillus

AD 270 – 275
Reign of Aurelian

Gallic Empire

AD 260 – 269
Reign of Postumus

AD 269
Reign of Laelianus

AD 269
Reign of Marius

AD 269 – 271
Reign of Victorinus

AD 271
Reign of Domitianus

AD 271 – 274
Reign of Tetricus

AD 275 – 276

Empire is reunited

Reign of Tacitus

AD 276

Reign of Florianus

AD 276 – 282

Reign of Probus

AD 282 – 283

Reign of Carus

AD 283 – 284

Reign of Numerian

AD 283 – 285

Reign of Carinus

AD 284 – 286

Reign of Diocletian

Empire splits East & West

Eastern Empire

AD 286 – 305
Reign of Diocletian

AD 305 – 311
Reign of Galerius

AD 308 – 324
Reign of Licinius

AD 310 – 313
Reign of Maximinus Daia

Western Empire

AD 286 – 305
Reign of Maximian

AD 305 – 306
Reign of Constantius I

AD 306 – 307
Reign of Severus II

AD 306 – 312
Reign of Maxentius

AD 307 – 308
Reign of Maximian (returned)

AD 307 – 337
Reign of Constantine

AD 324

Empire is reunited after Constantine defeats Licinius.

Renames Byzantium “New Rome”

AD 330

Byzantium renamed to “Constantinople”

AD 337 – 340

Reign of Constantine II

AD 337 – 350

Reign of Constans

AD 337 – 361

Reign of Constantius II

AD 360 – 363

Reign of Julian

AD 363 – 364

Reign of Jovian

After Jovian’s death, the empire splits again

Eastern Empire

AD 364 – 378
Reign of Valens

AD 379 – 395
Reign of Theodosius

AD 395 – 408
Reign of Arcadius

AD 408 – 450
Reign of Theodosius II

AD 450 – 457
Reign of Marcian

AD 457 – 474
Reign of Leo

AD 474
Reign of Leo II

AD 474 – 475
Reign of Zeno

AD 475 – 476
Reign of Basiliscus

Western Empire

AD 364 – 375
Reign of Valentinian

AD 367 – 383
Reign of Gratian

AD 375 – 392
Reign of Valentinian II

AD 392 – 394
Reign of Eugenius

AD 395 – 423
Reign of Honorius

AD 423 – 425
Reign of John

AD 425 – 455
Reign of Valentinian III

AD 455
Reign of Petronius Maximus

AD 455 – 456
Reign of Avitus

AD 457 – 461
Reign of Majorian

AD 461 – 465
Reign of Severus III

AD 467 – 472
Reign of Anthemius

AD 472

AD 473 – 474
Reign of Glycerius

AD 474 – 475
Reign of Julius Nepos

AD 475 – 476
Reign of Romulus Augustus

AD 476

Germanic barbarian king Odoacer conquers Rome and deposes Romulus Augustus.

End of western empire.

Imperial insignia sent to the Eastern Roman Empire

AD 476 – 491

Reign of Zeno (in Eastern Byzantine Empire)

AD 1453

Fall of Constantinople to Mohammaed the Conqueror.
Death of Constantine XI.

End of the Eastern Roman Empire.

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