
Why Ancient Rome is Buried

Why Ancient Rome is Buried

Many people wonder why the ruins of ancient Rome lie deep beneath the modern city. Over the centuries, the level of the ground gradually climbed due to several natural and …

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How did Roman Baths work?

How did Roman Baths work?

For countless Romans, visiting the baths was an essential part of their daily routine, offering a place to relax, socialize, and even conduct business. These lavish facilities drew people from …

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Three Forgotten Roman Megaprojects

Three Forgotten Roman Megaprojects

Ancient Rome is remembered for its impressive engineering and monumental structures. Its empire stretched far and wide, and the Romans achieved feats that remain awe-inspiring even today. Their ability to …

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Nero: Rome’s Antichrist

Nero: Rome’s Antichrist

In the year 54 AD, a dramatic shift occurred in the Roman Empire as a 16-year-old boy took on the role of emperor. This young man, Nero, soon became known …

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Why Rome Actually Crucified Jesus

Why Rome Actually Crucified Jesus

Good Friday is an opportunity to explore the complex history surrounding the crucifixion of Jesus. This day is often seen in a very straightforward way, but there’s much more when …

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