How did they tell time in Ancient Rome? The ancient Romans had a unique concept of time that was deeply ingrained in their society and culture. Time was seen as a cyclical and continuous force that was closely tied to the natural world. The Roman calendar was based on the movements of the moon and the sun and was divided into months and days that were marked by various religious and social events.
One of the most important aspects of time in ancient Rome was the idea of the “eternal city.” Rome was seen as a timeless and eternal entity that was destined to endure forever. This belief was reflected in the city’s architecture, which was designed to be grand and imposing, and in its religious ceremonies, which were meant to honor the city’s gods and goddesses and ensure their continued protection and favor. The concept of the “eternal city” was also closely tied to the idea of Roman imperialism and conquest, as the Romans believed that their empire was destined to last forever and to expand indefinitely.

Historical Context of Time in Ancient Rome
Timekeeping was an essential aspect of daily life in Ancient Rome, as it was necessary for organizing and coordinating social, religious, and political events. The Romans used various methods to measure time, including sundials, water clocks, and hourglasses. The concept of time in Ancient Rome was closely linked to the movement of celestial bodies, particularly the sun and the moon.
The Roman calendar was initially based on the lunar cycle, but it was later reformed to follow the solar year. The Julian calendar, introduced by Julius Caesar in 45 BCE, was the most significant reform of the Roman calendar. It consisted of 365 days, with an extra day added every four years to account for the leap year.

The Roman day was divided into twelve hours, which varied in length depending on the season. During the winter months, the hours were shorter, while in the summer, they were longer. The length of the hour was determined by dividing the time between sunrise and sunset into twelve equal parts.
The Romans also used a system of timekeeping based on the division of the day and night into four parts each. These parts were known as watches, and they were used for military and administrative purposes. The first watch began at sunset and lasted until around 9 pm, the second watch lasted until midnight, the third watch lasted until around 3 am, and the fourth watch lasted until sunrise.
Timekeeping was a crucial element of Ancient Roman society, and it played a significant role in organizing and coordinating various aspects of daily life. The Romans developed various methods of measuring time, and their calendar and timekeeping systems evolved over time to become more accurate and efficient.
The Pre-Julian Calendar – Time in Ancient Rome
The ancient Romans used a lunar calendar, which was based on the cycles of the moon. This calendar consisted of 10 months, with each month having either 29 or 30 days. The year started in March and ended in December, with January and February being added later.
The lunar calendar was not very accurate and did not correspond well with the solar year, which caused confusion and made it difficult to plan agricultural activities. To address this issue, the Romans made several attempts to reform the calendar. One of the earliest reforms was the addition of an intercalary month, which was inserted periodically to align the lunar calendar with the solar year. However, this method was not very effective and led to further confusion.
Julian Calendar Reforms – Time in Ancient Rome
In 45 BCE, Julius Caesar introduced a new calendar, known as the Julian calendar, which was based on the solar year. This calendar consisted of 12 months, with each month having either 30 or 31 days, except for February, which had 28 days, or 29 days in leap years. The Julian calendar was much more accurate and provided a more reliable way to track time. It also established January 1st as the first day of the year, which is still observed in many cultures today.
The Julian calendar remained in use for many centuries and was the standard calendar in Europe until the Gregorian calendar was introduced in the 16th century. Despite its eventual replacement, the Julian calendar remains an important part of Roman history and is a testament to the Romans’ ingenuity and dedication to timekeeping.
Temporal Frameworks of Ancient Rome – Time in Ancient Rome
The concept of time was crucial to the ancient Romans. They used various temporal frameworks to organize their daily lives and to mark significant events.
The Romans celebrated many festivals throughout the year, with some being religious in nature and others being purely social. Many of these festivals were tied to the agricultural cycle, such as the festival of Saturnalia, which celebrated the winter solstice and the end of the harvest season. Other festivals, such as the Lupercalia, were more focused on fertility and purification.
Timekeeping and Social Order – Time in Ancient Rome
In addition to religious festivals, timekeeping was also an important aspect of social order in ancient Rome. As stated earlier, the Romans divided the day into twelve hours of daylight and twelve hours of darkness, with the length of each hour varying depending on the time of year.
The Romans also used sundials to measure time, which were placed in public squares and other prominent locations. These sundials were often inscribed with Latin phrases, such as “Horas non numero nisi serenas” (“I count only the sunny hours”), which reflected the Roman emphasis on the importance of leisure time.
Time was a crucial aspect of daily life in ancient Rome, and both religious and social customs were deeply intertwined with the passage of time. The Roman perception of timekeeping was closely linked to their beliefs about social order, and the festivals and feasts that punctuated the calendar were an important way of reinforcing these beliefs.

Solar and Lunar Cycles – Time in Ancient Rome
The ancient Romans were also keen observers of the solar and lunar cycles. They used the movements of the sun and moon to determine the timing of many events, such as the planting and harvesting of crops. They also used the positions of the sun and moon to mark the changing seasons.
The Romans were particularly interested in the movements of the moon, which they believed had a significant impact on human behavior. They believed that the full moon could cause madness and that certain lunar phases were more auspicious than others.
The ancient Romans used a variety of temporal frameworks to organize their lives and understand the world around them. These frameworks were based on both lunar and solar cycles and were tied to both religious and social events.
Timekeeping Devices – Time in Ancient Rome
Sundials – Time in Ancient Rome
Sundials were one of the earliest timekeeping devices used in Ancient Rome. They were simple instruments that used the sun’s position to tell time. Sundials were made in various shapes and sizes, with the most common being a flat plate with a raised edge that casts a shadow onto the plate. The shadow would move as the sun moved across the sky, and the time could be read off the markings on the plate.
Water Clocks – Time in Ancient Rome
Water clocks, also known as clepsydrae, were another timekeeping device used in Ancient Rome. They were more accurate than sundials and could measure time at night or on cloudy days. Water clocks work by regulating the flow of water from one container to another. The containers were marked with lines indicating the passage of time. As the water flowed from one container to the other, the time could be read off the markings.
Water clocks were used for a variety of purposes, including timing speeches in the Roman Senate and regulating the hours of the day for religious observances.
Overall, the timekeeping devices used in Ancient Rome were simple yet effective. Sundials and water clocks were the most common instruments used to measure time, and they played an important role in the daily lives of the Romans.
Portable Timekeeping Devices – Time in Ancient Rome
In addition to sundials and water clocks, portable timekeeping devices were also used in ancient Rome. One example was the portable sundial, which was a small, pocket-sized version of the larger, stationary sundials. Another example was the portable clepsydra, which was a small, handheld version of the larger, stationary water clocks.
These portable devices were often used by travelers, merchants, and other individuals who needed to keep track of time while on the move. They were often made of bronze or other metals and were sometimes decorated with intricate designs. Overall, the tools and techniques used for daily timekeeping in ancient Rome were simple yet effective and played an important role in regulating the daily lives of its citizens.
Time Manipulation for Political Gain – Time in Ancient Rome
The perception of time was not only influenced by imperial decrees and regulations but it was manipulated for political gain as well. One example of this was the use of public spectacles to distract the population from political issues. The Romans were famous for their gladiatorial games, which were often held during political crises to divert the attention of the people.
Another example of time manipulation was the use of time constraints to control political debates. The Roman Senate had strict rules regarding the length of speeches, and senators who exceeded their allotted time were often punished. This allowed the ruling class to control the narrative and prevent dissenting voices from being heard.
The perception of time in ancient Rome was not solely based on practical considerations, but it was also influenced by political factors. The Roman emperors had a significant impact on time regulation through their decrees and regulations, and time was often manipulated for political gain. Understanding the political influence on time perception is crucial to understanding the Roman mindset and the way they viewed the world around them.
Measuring Time: Units and Terminology – Time in Ancient Rome
The ancient Romans used a variety of units to measure time. The smallest unit of time was the “momentum,” which was roughly equivalent to 90 seconds. The “hora” was the next largest unit of time and was equivalent to one hour. The Romans divided the day into 12 equal hours, with the length of the hour varying depending on the time of year.
The “dies” was the Roman word for day, and the Romans had several different ways of measuring it. The “dies fasti” were days on which legal and political business could be conducted, while the “dies nefasti” were days on which such business was prohibited. The “dies comitiales” were days on which the Roman people could assemble to vote on legislation.
The Romans also had a variety of units for measuring longer periods of time. The “mensem” was the Roman word for a month and was roughly equivalent to our modern month. The “annus” was the Roman word for year, and the Romans had two different ways of measuring it. The “annus civilis” was the year as measured by the consuls, while the “annus solaris” was the year as measured by the sun.
Nundinal Cycle – Time in Ancient Rome
The Romans had a unique way of measuring time known as the “nundinal cycle.” This was a market week that lasted eight days, with the eighth day being a market day. The nundinal cycle was used to mark the passage of time in the Roman calendar, and it was an important part of Roman life.
The nundinal cycle was used to determine when certain festivals and religious observances would take place. For example, the “Saturnalia” festival was held on the eighth day of the nundinal cycle in December. The nundinal cycle was also used to determine when certain agricultural tasks needed to be performed, such as the harvest or the planting of crops.

Roman Literature on Time in Ancient Rome
The concept of timekeeping has been a significant part of Roman literature, as it was an essential aspect of their daily lives. The Romans perceived time as a cyclical phenomenon, and they believed that every event in their lives was predetermined by the gods. The following subsections explore the different types of Roman literature that refer to time.
Roman philosophers, such as Cicero and Seneca, wrote extensively about time. They believed that time was a crucial aspect of human life and that it should be used wisely. Cicero, in his book “On the Nature of the Gods,” argued that time was a necessary condition for human existence. Seneca, in his essay “On the Shortness of Life,” discussed the importance of using time effectively and not wasting it.
Roman poets, such as Ovid and Virgil, also made references to time in their works. Ovid, in his poem “Metamorphoses,” used time as a theme to explore the transformation of characters in his stories. Virgil, in his epic poem “The Aeneid,” used the time to emphasize the importance of destiny and fate in the lives of his characters.
Comparative Perspectives – Time in Ancient Rome
The ancient Greeks had a significant influence on time in Ancient Rome. The Greeks believed that time was cyclical, and they developed the concept of the Zodiac, which divided the year into 12 parts. The Romans adopted this system and used it to create their own calendar, which was divided into 12 months.
The Greeks also developed the concept of hours, which were based on the position of the sun in the sky. The Romans adopted this system and divided the day into 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness.
Contrasts with Non-Roman Cultures – Time in Ancient Rome
While the Roman perception of timekeeping was influenced by the Greeks, there were significant differences between the Roman system and those of non-Roman cultures. For example, the ancient Egyptians believed that time was linear and that it had a beginning and an end. They developed a calendar based on the cycles of the sun and the Nile River, which had 12 months of 30 days each and an additional five days at the end of the year.
The ancient Chinese also had a different perception of timekeeping. They believed that time was cyclical, like the Greeks, but they used a different system to divide the year. The Chinese calendar was based on the cycles of the moon and had 12 lunar months, with a leap month added every few years to keep the calendar in sync with the solar year.
Legacy of Roman Timekeeping – Time in Ancient Rome
The Roman perception of timekeeping had a significant impact on later civilizations. The Roman Empire’s vast network of roads and communication systems required a standardized system of timekeeping, which was achieved through the use of sundials and water clocks. This system was adopted by the Byzantine Empire and spread throughout Europe, influencing the development of modern timekeeping systems.
The Roman concept of timekeeping also influenced the development of the Julian calendar, which was used throughout the Roman Empire and served as the basis for the modern Gregorian calendar. The Julian calendar was the first calendar to use a leap year, which added an extra day to February every four years to account for the discrepancy between the solar year and the calendar year.
Modern Timekeeping Systems – Time in Ancient Rome
The legacy of Roman timekeeping can still be seen in modern timekeeping systems. The modern clock, which uses a system of gears and springs to keep time, is based on the water clock developed by the ancient Greeks and Romans. The concept of dividing the day into 24 hours, each with 60 minutes and each minute with 60 seconds, was also developed by the ancient Greeks and Romans and is still used today.
The Roman numerals, which were used to represent numbers in ancient Rome, are still used today on clocks and watches. The use of Roman numerals on clocks and watches is a nod to the legacy of Roman timekeeping and serves as a reminder of the lasting impact of ancient Roman culture on modern society.
People Also Ask About the Time in Ancient Rome:
How long was an hour in ancient Rome?
In ancient Rome, an hour was not a consistent unit of time. In the summer, it could be as long as 75 minutes – and in the winter it sometimes lasted just 45 minutes. At first, it just appeared to be a plain block of carved stone.
How did Romans date time?
Roman dates were counted inclusively forward to the next one of three principal days within each month: Kalends (Kalendae or Kal.), the 1st day of each month. Nones (Nonae or Non.), the 7th day of “full months” and 5th day of hollow ones, 8 days—”nine” by Roman reckoning—before the Ides in every month. Telling time in Ancient Rome wasn’t an easy task.
Did the Romans have time zones?
There was no standardized time or timezone system or even calendar for telling time in Ancient Rome. Sure, there was a Roman calendar system, but it was not used by everybody everywhere in the Empire. Most cities probably used sundials to mark the daylight hours.
How did telling time start?
The earliest known timekeeping devices appeared in Egypt and Mesopotamia around 3500 BCE. Sundials consisted of a tall vertical or diagonal-standing object used to measure the time, called a gnomon.
Did Romans have a 9 day week?
The name of the 8-day cycle is based upon the Latin word for “nine” because the Romans tended to count dates inclusively. Each nundinae was thought to follow the next after a 9-day interval because the first day was included in the count.
Hello, my name is Vladimir, and I am a part of the Roman-empire writing team.
I am a historian, and history is an integral part of my life.
To be honest, while I was in school, I didn’t like history so how did I end up studying it? Well, for that, I have to thank history-based strategy PC games. Thank you so much, Europa Universalis IV, and thank you, Medieval Total War.
Since games made me fall in love with history, I completed bachelor studies at Filozofski Fakultet Niš, a part of the University of Niš. My bachelor’s thesis was about Julis Caesar. Soon, I completed my master’s studies at the same university.
For years now, I have been working as a teacher in a local elementary school, but my passion for writing isn’t fulfilled, so I decided to pursue that ambition online. There were a few gigs, but most of them were not history-related.
Then I stumbled upon, and now I am a part of something bigger. No, I am not a part of the ancient Roman Empire but of a creative writing team where I have the freedom to write about whatever I want. Yes, even about Star Wars. Stay tuned for that.
Anyway, I am better at writing about Rome than writing about me. But if you would like to contact me for any reason, you can do it at [email protected]. Except for negative reviews, of course. 😀
Kind regards,