Marcus Furius Camillus
Life: c. 446 – 365 BC “alter conditor Romae” by ‘Andraeus Papadopolus Dacicus Maximus’ Overview Marcus Furius Camillus was the most illustrious member of the family of Furia and is …
Life: c. 446 – 365 BC “alter conditor Romae” by ‘Andraeus Papadopolus Dacicus Maximus’ Overview Marcus Furius Camillus was the most illustrious member of the family of Furia and is …
Who Was Consul When by ‘Andraeus Papadopolus Dacicus Maximus‘ Note: the Roman numerals behind the names indicate how many times the specific individual has been in office. Note II: consuls …
Life: AD ? – 476 Became emperor AD 475. Wife: Aelia Zenonis (three sons; Marcus, Leo, Zeno). Died AD 476. Basiliscus was the brother of Aelia Verina and hence emperor …
Life: AD ? – 491 Early Life Zeno was from Rosoumblada in the province in south-eastern Asia Minor known as Isauria. The emperor Leo called him to Constantinople as the …
Life: AD 401 – 474 Leo was born in AD 401, a member of the tribe of the Bessi in Thrace. At the death of Marcian his son-in-law Anthemius appeared …
Life: AD 392 – 457 Name: Marcianus Born in AD 392. Became emperor March AD 450. Died at Constantinople, AD 457. Marcian was born in AD 392, the son of …
Life: AD 408 – 450 Early Life Theodosius II was born in AD 401, the son of Arcadius and Aelia Eudoxia. Already in January AD 402, he was proclaimed co-Augustus …
Life: AD c. 377 – 408 Early Life Arcadius was born in Spain around AD 377, the son of Theodosius the Great and Aelia Flavia Flaccilla. His father raised him …
Life: c. 465 – after 511? Romulus Augustus was the son of Orestes who once had been an assistant to Attila the Hun, and who had at times been sent …
Life: AD ? – 480 Became emperor June AD 474. Died 9 May in Dalmatia AD 480. Julius Nepos was the son of Nepotianus, who had been ‘Master of Soldiers’ …
Life: AD ? – After 480? Following the death of Olybrius there was a period of about four months during which there was no emperor in the west, sole rule …
Life: AD ? – 472 Name: Anicius Olybrius Became emperor March/April AD 472. Wife: Placidia (one daughter; Juliana Anicia). Died November AD 472. Olybrius was a member of the highly …
Life: AD ? – 472 Early Life Anthemius was born in Galatia and came from a wealthy, distinguished, and highly influential family in the eastern empire, a recent ancestor of …
Life: AD ? – 465 Became emperor AD 461. Died on 14 November AD 465 at Dertona. After the death of Majorian there followed a period of over three months …